Stamtavle (Pedigree) for: Larkvalley Understudy
Foreldre (Parents) Besteforeldre (Grandparents) Oldreforeldre (Greatgrandparents)
Far (Sire):
Elsmere Magic Man
Boothgates Headliner Warringah's Harlech
Lindall Mollie Malone
Mist of Shantellow at Elmsmere Sandylands Marksboy of Langdale
Holly of Shrubbery Cottage
Mor (Dame):
Bradking Precious of Lark Valley
Farbracken Comedy Star Martin of Mardas
Poolstead Pin Up of Farbracken
Bradking Cassandra Ardmargha Mad Hatter
Bradking Bonny's Charm of Keysun

Japp's komplette stamtavle
(5x tipp-oldeforeldre)

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6x Great-Grandparents

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